Carbon footprint

Despite our short trajectory, in Árima we monitor the Company’s carbon footprint, collecting and analysing the data that affect it. By doing so, we aim to use this data to help us continually reduce emissions, in line with our commitment to sustainability.

To achieve this, we calculate greenhouse gas emissions of our activity derived from the electricity consumption supplied by the network and fuel consumption (natural gas and diesel) applying the methodology of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.

2023 2022
SCOPE 1Direct GHG emissions controlled by Árima 0.00 tCO2e 1.16 tCO2e
SCOPE 2GHG emissions related to electricity purchased and consumed by Árima 77.69 tCO2e 70.72 tCO2e
SCOPE 3Indirect GHG emissions from the Company’s activities 2,784.44 tCO2e 1,777.51 tCO2e

Árima is making a concerted effort to raise environmental awareness among its main stakeholders, and to reduce the carbon footprint of those variables over which it has direct control, for example, through the purchase of renewable energy.